A Montana family says that medical marijuana is saving their young son's life, and the father says that he will continue to use the illegal substance to save his 3-year-old boy's life, even if it means he has to go to jail. Cash, who has suffered brain cancer, is considered the youngest patient in medial marijuana history. He takes hydrocortisone and cannabis oil, which is illegal in Montana, twice a day as medication. "I've had to break state and federal laws just to keep Cashie alive," his father told Fox News. "I know that I'm not a criminal and I know that I saved my son's life, and if that means I have to sit in jail for that, that's way better than a pediatric oncology floor."
Cash is a second time remission cancer patient. His parents keep hoping and praying, taking it one day at a time.
March 22, 2012 By God Discussion Reporter